Airbrush Boot Camp Class-Dutch Bihary
Cascade 7&8Airbrush boot camp class $125 2-day introduction to airbrushing. There is too much information to fit into one class, so we are going to break it up into two. The most important aspect of learning this medium is hands-on training. This workshop is not just a demo lecture, it’s all hands-on, loaded with drills,…
Anubis Hearse Club PNW
Back Parkinglot - EastThe biggest horror event in the PNW - Crypticon Seattle - would not be complete without its iconic hearses. Ranging from the traditional to the wild, these creepy cars have played limo to some of the most powerful names in the horror business. The coaches have been a part of the Crypticon Seattle family…
Custom Art Work by Arreah Bihary
LobbyCLASSES_CONVENTIONS | Education, Classes, Commissions ( In a shared booth with her sister Zayda Bihary, Arreah will be displaying her art on a screen as she creates it live. She will take commissions and requests at the booth where convention attendees can request artwork and hand drawn buttons and pick them up during…
Northwest Possessed Slider Team
Back Parkinglot - EastThe Northwest Possessed Slider team will be performing once again at Crypticon Seattle and this time, they are bringing their fiends…er, friends. Come see as the sliders of Idaho’s own Scarywood Park haunted attraction, Fear Frontier, team up with the NWP to bring you an action-packed weekend out in the same parking lot as…
Cast of Thousands Studio Demo by TIM PEIRSON
Northwest Ballroom 2Tim Peirson has been a makeup artist for over 40 years. His talents cover a wide range of skills from beauty work and body painting, to special effects and character makeup. He received his training in FX and character work from Academy award winning makeup master, Dick Smith and his beauty training from the John…